Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Of Mice and Men

As we wind down here at COS Kalsu, we start looking forward to the next phase. Kuwait, then home. However, sometimes a light scratching or squeak brings you hurtling back to the present. I’m in a metal box where the sound of birds and mice on the roof is bad enough as it is, and I have a furry companion that decides it likes my rice crispy treats more than I do. Maybe it’s the warmth and free food. MAYBE it’s my charming personality. I’m gonna go with the former. Having spotted this invader a few weeks ago, I thought he was gone. That was until I grabbed a rice crispy treat prior to patrol without looking, only to find a hole nibbled in it and a decent chunk eaten out of it. Blasted creature. Then I found the hole. I plugged it up good n tight and thought “There, now I have beaten you, Jerry.” Until last night, when I felt the little bastard on my arm and leg as I groggily woke from my dreamscape. I saw him multiple times this morning, attempted to catch or corner him just as many times, my futility often making the little bugger laugh. Now I know what you’re thinking. “But Nash, mice can’t laugh at you.” Oh, but they can and will. Taunting you with a flash of light brown as they dart from behind the fridge to the locker. Or as they perch on your waste basket, peering in as if to ask “what goodies have you left me in here?” The sound of little claws scurrying on the linoleum, or as he sits under my bed squeaking away, teasing, and LAUGHING. Anyways, I digress. With the help of my roommate, I cornered, caught and dispatched the little squeaky nuisance so he will never disturb another soldier just trying to make it to the next day and the next and the next until we’re on our way home.

Haji, however, doesn’t give 2 shits about that. They launched 7 mortars at the COS, yet hit nothing. That’s not to say they weren’t close. They were DAMN close. One was so close it rattled my CHU like a Cali Quake. I even thought that at first, but then snapped back and went “wait, I’m in Iraq. Time to head to the bunker!” It’s been cold. REAL cold. Not just crisp. That’s reserved for the day time. At night, it’s been getting down around 40 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s pretty damn cold for this area. Day time highs reach maybe 75-80 now. It’s a big difference than when we first got here.  I’ve found myself comparing the daytime to October or November in Cali. Bright blue skies, super crisp. Like New Year’s Day after it rains, and its 60 degrees, light breeze and you can see snow on Mt Baldy.

So as I’m writing this, NO SHIT, I hear a noise coming from my ACU top hanging up. I see it moving. I’m thinking “WTF?!?!” I open the door, grab the shirt and turn it around. I HAVE A FUCKING MOUSE ON IT! So I hit the inside of my shirt and sent the little shit FLYING out the door. Man. Like Jacob Marley coming back to scare Scrooge. Hopefully that’s the last of him! Aye yi yi!

After being told we’d be home by the end of the year, we were let down when it was revealed that instead, we’d be doing our full year tour, but in Kuwait. I just want to get home. See my girlfriend, my family and my friends. It’s barely been 4.5 months and it feels like forever. Stupid garrison style rules that make no sense in a combat zone, make being in country difficult. Patrols are welcome as they get us away from that. They allow us to sample the local food, which I think is delicious. Having spotty internet and no mail really drags. Fortunately we’re almost outta here. Until next time. Vanilla Gorilla, out!